3. Assuming you are using Windows .. Copy the files from the zip to My Documents\Arduino\hardware so that inside the hardware folder there is the Arduino_STM32 folder.
4. Go Arduino Menu then Boards Manager and install Arduino SAM Boards
5. Restart the Arduino IDE.
6. Select the board settings from the Arduino IDE Menu as follows:
1. Download and install the st-link utility v 3.8.0 and driver from ST.com website.
2. Update the firmware to the latest from the utility menu.
hook it up to the STM32 board using jumper wires connected from the ST-Link to the JTAG socket using the following pinout.
ST-Link <> STM32
GND -> GND (4) [JTAG] 3V3/VDD -> 3V3 [BOARD] CLK -> SWCLK (9) [JTAG] IO/SWD -> SWDIO (7) [JTAG] LED is connected between Board Pin PC13 and GND in series with 330 Ω resistor.
#define LED PC13
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW